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SUBMIT IN OBEDIENCE TO GOD – In His Presence Christ Tabernacle


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Memorize: Behold also the ships, which though they be so great, and are driven of fierce winds, yet are they turned about with a very small helm, withersoever the governor listeth. James. 3:4

Devotional Reading: James 3:1-4

Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord” Eph. 5:22. The bible gives the blueprint for success in marriage. If you want Heaven in your home, follow the marriage manual – the bible. It is not enough to identify your God-given partner, even though this is very important. If you know God’s will for you in marriage but fail to adhere to His instructions, your marriage cannot be as pleasurable as God planned it to be. Wives are commanded to submit to their own husbands, not another man’s wife.

The habit of being submissive to your Pastor and arrogant to your own husband is a way to pull down your home. Whether he is younger, less educated, shorter, smaller, or poorer is immaterial.

“Behold also the ships, which though they be so great, and are driven of fierce winds, yet are they turned about with a very small helm, withersoever the governor listeth”. James. 3:4. The wife may be the large ship and the husband be the tiny helm, yet to arrive at God’s destination for the family, she must submit to his authority. The woman may have the greatest and most laudable ideas concerning the home and running the family, yet God expects her to put them at the feet of her husband. If your family must arrive at God’s pre-planned destination, you have to submit to your own husband.

Another reason a woman must submit – voluntarily and subordinate herself to her husband is because he is her cover. A wife that refuses to submit to her husband comes outside the cover which God has placed over the individual and opens herself to enemy fire. Similarly, a woman must submit under her husband because God never designed her to be the head of the man. In any home where the woman is the head and the man is the one receiving orders, there will be trouble. The Lord Jesus Christ cannot be the head of that Home. Submission to one’s husband is in obedience to God’s word and therefore an act of faith.

In what area should a woman submit? Verse 24 says in everything. No exception! Some women submit in some mild areas but when it comes to an issue she has vested interest, she will not submit. Some sisters find it hard to submit in the area of finances, but the scriptures says your submission must be total before Heaven will count it as obedience. To what extent is your submission to your husband?

Husband’s too in return must submit to Christ as his head.

I pray that God will give all our women grace to love and submit to their own husbands while husbands submit to Christ.

Prayer point: Almighty God, please give me a heart of submission in Jesus name.

Key Dose: There are great blessings in obedience, it counts before God.

Pastor James Ademuyiwa
Senior Pastor (IHPCT)

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