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THE SIN OF UNFORGIVENESS – In His Presence Christ Tabernacle


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Memorize: And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive your trespasses: Mark 11;25.

Devotional Reading: Romans 5: 12-21

The subject of forgiveness is one that affects every one of us, there is no one that is perfect, as a result, we are bound to offend one another, one important thing for us to note is that, for as long as we remain in our human flesh on this side of terrestrial, there will always be issues, offences and misunderstanding, what God expects of us is to forgive everyone who offend us, there is no exception and there are no conditions for forgiveness. Some people place certain conditions on those that offend them before they forgive; NO, that is wrong! Romans 5:8; But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. “The whole world was still in sin when God forgave us . He forgave us completely and unconditionally.

If we desire to have a place with God, and a home in heaven at the end of our race here on earth, we must forgive those who offend or have hurt us. Many harbour bitterness in their hearts because of offences, there is danger with this. Unforgiveness is a sin because it is an act of disobedience to the instructions of Jesus who died for us and forgave us our sins.

Looking dilligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled. Hebrews 12:15.

We’ve all been hurt or mistreated at one time or the other. It’s part of life. And the truth is, we can’t change the past. And it does no good to ask “Why?” All we can do is to make amend and move forward.

Yet one of the things that hold many people down from moving forward in life is unforgiveness. It is one of the strongest self inflicted enemies of man.

If your heart has been broken, but you want to get on with your life today, you must forgive.

You can never fully realise the grace of God in your own life if you are harboring hate, bitterness, resentment, or pain from your past due to unforgiveness.

If you don’t forgive, you stand blocking your own forgiveness from God, the consequences are greater.

The first consequence of unforgiveness is that it will infect your life with bitterness. Hate and anger will replace the heart that once know peace and joy.

It’s like a weed that grows out of control in your life. When you become bitter, you become negative and critical.

Anger and resentfulness can grow unchecked, and before you even realise it, joy and happiness has been choked out of your life, there is great danger in unforgiveness, it is a terrible sin and a destroyer of destiny.

If you allow unforgiveness, it will devour your relationship with God and man, and jeopardise your future.

Bitterness can spread to your marriage and be passed along to your children from generation to generation.

Unforgiveness have defiled many people, many are under terrible consequences of unforgiveness. Many are in captivity, prayers of many have not been answered. Many are sick with terrible diseases, many have lost the favour and blessings of God, all because they lack forgiveness.

Unforgiveness can rob you of a growing promising relationship with God.

Worst of all, many can miss heaven because they have refused to forgive others their trespasses.The consequences are as bad as that.

Repent today, forgive those who have hurt you and release yourself from the web of stagnation as a resullt of unforgiveness.

May the LORD help you to grow a heart of forgiveness today in Jesus name.

Prayer point: O LORD, please deliver me from a heart of unforgiveness in Jesus name.

Key Dose: For you to enjoy God’s priceless forgiveness; you must forgive those who offend you.

Pastor James Ademuyiwa
Senior Pastor
In His Presence Christ Tabernacle

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