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The Spirit of giving – In His Presence Christ Tabernacle

The Spirit of giving

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ur Lord and saviour Jesus Christ is the greatest giver in the universe, he gave to the point of giving his life as a ransom for the salvation of the souls of man. His love for mankind and level of compassion for humanity is indescribable, our memorize in our devotional of today is a clear indication of this great attribute in our messiah. There is a true spirit of giving which Christ possess and every true child of God must have this spirit, there is a spirit that controls the heart of giving, you can pray for it if you discover you don’t have it.

In our reading text, a crowd came from far and near to the wilderness to hear Christ preach the Word. Having spent three days with Him, they were hungry. Jesus had compassion on them and arranged for their feeding by a miraculous multiplication of 7 loaves of bread and small fishes, ignoring His disciples’ advised to send them away to get food for themselves since they may not have enough to feed them all. Like Christ’s disciples, we often see problems and impossibilities when ministering to people.

Sometimes, we say in our hearts, and sometimes with our voices, “Send the people away”, “There’s not enough money”, or “There aren’t enough teachers for the youth or children programmes; send them away”. All around us in the entire world, there are people who are physically hungry, physically disabled, oppressed, lonely, grieving, scared, etc. Our duty as Christ’s followers is to have compassion on them as our Master had. This compassion can be cultivated by simply meditating on their plight. We cannot claim to be Christians when we see the agonies and pains people go through and remain unmoved towards them. Such a stance will amount to walking at cross-purposes with the mission of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ while here on Earth.

My encouragement for us today is that we should build orphanage houses for destitute children, start a foundation for different cause. Start a scholarship scheme for children that cannot afford a good school. So many people need to be comforted, housed, provided with food, helped with paying school fees for orphans and motherless, etc.

Jesus said in Matthew 25:35-40; For I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: i was a stranger, and ye took me in: and they asked him, when did we do these for you? Vs 40; And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily i say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

There are great blessings in helping the poor, sick, widows, and homeless, binding the wounds of the wounded, giving hope to the hopeless, putting smiles on the faces of the sorrowful and proclaiming liberty to the captives.These are part of priorities and heart beat of Christ.

I pray that God will strengthen His love in your heart and make you rise up to the needs of those in genuine hardships around you according to his grace and provision for you coupled with the leading of the Holy Spirit in Jesus name.

Prayer point: O LORD, please give me a heart of love and empower me with resources to be a blessing to those genuinely in need in Jesus name.

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