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DOING THE WILL OF GOD – In His Presence Christ Tabernacle


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Memorize: Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and finish his work. John 4:34

Devotional Reading: Matthew 29:16-30

Doing the will of God is committing ourselves to pleasing God regardless of the situation or circumstances that surrounds us and be determined to live for His Glory. As believers, it is not optional for us to do the will of God, it is mandatory on us to do the will of God. Christians are expected to be devoted wholly and earnestly to God and fulfill the purposes for which He has called us. Doing the will of God should be the yearning desire of believers which makes them willing to pay all it costs to do the work of God perfectly. Desire to do the will of God will lead to dedication which keeps a believer standing and willing to continue to do more when present assignment hasn’t been completed and others are getting tired. Our Lord Jesus was dedicated to His course because he was determined to do the will of his father according to our memorize in John 4:34; so also were the prophets and apostles of old. You too must endeavor to do the will of God by been dedicated to Him.

In 2 Cor. 11:22-31 Paul shows practical example of what is can cost to do the will of God. Apostle Paul narrated his long and painful ordeal. He was beaten several times. He suffered ship wreck, imprisonments, perils, robbers, suffered accusation from false brethren, etc. he became weak for the weak, he was burnt by fire of offenses from false brethren, he submitted himself to these hardships for Christ’s sake and did not accuse God for his travail, rather he blessed the Lord, “Father of our Lord Jesus Christ which is blessed for ever more” 2 cor. 11:31.

The more you are determined to do the will of God, the more the devil fights and tries to discourage you, however; if you are willing and committed to pleasing God, then God gets committed to helping you, and attend to your needs. No man having left house and family for the things of God will meet disappointment. Doing the will of God calls for a high degree of self-discipline. Let the things of God be your drive, pant after anything that God is doing, as deer pant after water.

It is obvious to people close to me that, by the grace of God I am sold out for God. I would rather prefer to do the will of God regardless of what it will cost me than please self. I have dedicated all my life, strength, family, and my resources to the things of God, because He deserves it.

The things of God comes first in everything I do. If a need arise in my life that requires urgent attention and in the process a need arise in the things of God. I will not think twice to first attend to the things of God, and shortly after that, God will make a way and attend to the need in my life. This has been my secret to greatness in life. God has used this to promote me to a place I have not imagine I could get to in life. He made a way for me when there seems to be no way, He make me sit among kings and presidents, just because I commit myself to do his will.

If anyone desires to be great in life. Get more dedicated to the things of God, do the will of God, let the business of God be your interest. Spend your time and resources on the things of God. Peter asked a profound question which some Christians are still asking today, “…behold, we have forsaken all, and followed thee; what shall we have therefore?” then Jesus replied him “And everyone that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name’s sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life” Matt. 19:27-29. I pray that the spirit of dedication and doing the will of God will rest upon you, so that you can receive worthy rewards both here on earth and in Heaven at last in Jesus name, Amen.

Prayer point: Consecrate me to your service O Lord, and give me the grace to do your will.

Key Dose: When you seek God and His kingdom first, all other good things on earth and in Heaven will be added unto you.

Pastor James Ademuyiwa
Senior Pastor (IHPCT)

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